Tag: generousinterfaces

The Early Modern Women's Complaint Poetry Index
A generous interface for an index of early modern womens complaint poetry - with Ros Smith, Sarah Ross, Michelle O'Callaghan and Jake Arthur.

Molonglo Life
A platform for digital encounters with wildlife in the Molonglo River Reserve, on the fringes of urban Canberra.

Corley Explorer
An explorer for the State Library of Queensland's Corley Collection; 61,000 photographs of Queensland houses from the 1960s and 70s. Commissioned by SLQ; made with Geoff Hinchcliffe and our friends at Icelab.

Visualising Raynal
Visualising changes through three editions of Raynal's Histoire des deux Indes. With Geoff Hinchcliffe and Glenn Roe.

Asia Art Archive Bibliography Interfaces
Generous interfaces for the Asia Art Archive's online bibliography of Indian art

Macaulay Library Remix
An experimental "unsolicited" interface to the wildlife audio collection of the Macaulay Library
Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections
in Digital Humanities Quarterly 9(1) (2015). This paper updates and expands my previous writing on generous interfaces

Representing Digital Collections
in Performing Digital: Multiple Perspectives on a Living Archive, ed. David Carlin and Laurene Vaughan (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015)

Discover the Queenslander
A generous interface to 1,000 covers and pages from The Queenslander, 1890-1939. Developed with Geoff Hinchliffe.

Nolan Explorer
An exploratory interface for the Canberra Museum and Gallery's Nolan Collection

The Institutional Harvest
Visualising the history of women's services and agencies in Australia, 1970-2011
Towards Generous Interfaces for Archival Collections
This paper makes the case for the limitations of search, and proposes instead the concept of “generous interfaces” for digital collections

Explore Australian Prints + Printmaking
Three experimental, "generous" interfaces for the National Gallery of Australia's Australian Prints + Printmaking site

Manly Images
An experimental web interface to the Manly Local Studies Image collection

Memory of a Nation Multitouch Interactive
A multi-touch interactive for the National Archives, in collaboration with Lightwell.