
The Sound of Water: sensing a wetland intervention through interactive environmental audio
Documenting and reflecting on The Sound of Water, with Skye Wassens and Adrian Mackenzie, in Cultural Geographies

Making with Climate Data: Materiality, Metaphor and Engagement
Reflections on the Climate Coaster project, with Geoff Hinchcliffe, in Ian Gwilt (ed), Making Data: Materializing Digital Information (Bloomsbury, 2022).

Design Collaboration and Exaptation in a Habitat Restoration Project
with Joyce Hwang and Darren Le Roux, in She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation

Biodiversity data as public environmental media
with Belinda Smaill, in the Journal of Environmental Media 2(1). An ecocritical analysis of the visual languages of digital biodiversity.

Mashups and Matters of Concern: Generative Approaches to Digital Collections
Reflecting on generative techniques for remaking digital heritage, through the projects Drifter and Succession. Published in the Open Library of Humanities special issue Remaking Collections.

Australasian data practices: Mining, scraping, mapping, hacking
in Artlink 37:1, Data Visual. A look at data practice in Australia and New Zealand through the work of four prominent creators spanning visualisation, cartography and digital heritage.

Marking Time
A catalogue essay on time, attention and climate change for Jo Law's Illustrated Almanac of the Illawarra and Beyond.

Pings: Matter, Environment and Technology in the work of HC Gilje
A text commissioned by Norwegian artist HC Gilje for his monograph Conversations with Spaces.

Accretor: Generative materiality in the work of Driessens and Verstappen
in Artificial Life 21 (3): 307–312 (Summer 2015)
Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections
in Digital Humanities Quarterly 9(1) (2015). This paper updates and expands my previous writing on generous interfaces

Representing Digital Collections
in Performing Digital: Multiple Perspectives on a Living Archive, ed. David Carlin and Laurene Vaughan (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015)

Epistemological Machines and Protocomputing
With Ralf Baecker, in Experiencing the Unconventional: Science in Art ed. Theresa Schubert and Andrew Adamatzky. World Scientific, 2015.

Sheer Hardware: Material Computing in the Work of Martin Howse and Ralf Baecker
In Scan 10(2) (2013), "The In/Visibilities of Code"
Towards Generous Interfaces for Archival Collections
This paper makes the case for the limitations of search, and proposes instead the concept of “generous interfaces” for digital collections

Figuring Data
A catalog essay commissioned for Datascape, an exhibition at QUT's Cube Gallery, April 2013.
Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art
with Jon McCormack, Ollie Bown, Alan Dorin and Jonathan McCabe; in Leonardo 47(2) (2014)

Transmateriality: Presence Aesthetics and the Media Arts
in Throughout, ed Ulrik Ekman, MIT Press 2012
A Framework for Understanding Generative Art
with Alan Dorin, Jonathan McCabe, Jon McCormack and Gordon Monro; in Digital Creativity 23 (2012).

Weather Bracelet and Measuring Cup: Case studies in data sculpture
Practice-led research in data sculpture and tangible visualisation.
Playing with Complexity: An Approach to Exploratory Data Visualisation
with Ben Ennis Butler and Sam Hinton, presented at ACUADS 2011

Local Colour and Networked Specificity
Investigating digital materiality using generative fabrication and cardboard vegetable boxes. A paper presented at ISEA 2011

After the Screen: Array Aesthetics and Transmateriality
Presented at the Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference, Artspace, November 2010

Networked Production: On Making with Bits and Atoms
A short essay on craft, making and digital fabrication for Craft Australia's eNews 54
Exploring the Digital Commons: An Approach to the Visualisation of Large Heritage Datasets
with Sam Hinton; presented at EVA 2010

Right Here, Right Now: On HC Gilje’s Networks of Specificity
A catalogue essay on the work of HC Gilje, commissioned for his 2009 solo exhibition Blink at the Hordaland Art Centre
Landscape, Slow Data and Self-Revelation
An invited contribution to Kerb 17: Is Landscape Architecture Dead?
Strange Ontologies in Digital Culture
With Mark Guglielmetti and Troy Innocent, in ACM Computers in Entertainment 7

System stories and model worlds: a critical approach to generative art
Presented at Readme 100, Dortmund (2005) and published in Readme 100: temporary software art factory

Hearing Pure Data: Aesthetics and Ideals of Data-Sound
An essay on data-bending, microsound and sonification commissioned by Sonic Acts X
Playing Games with Reality: Only Fish Shall Visit and Interactive Documentary
Catalog essay for Brogan Bunt's Halfeti: Only Fish Shall Visit (2002)
1968/1998: Rethinking a Systems Aesthetic
A short essay on the legacy of Jack Burnham's 'systems aesthetic', marking the 30th anniversary of the Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition. Published in the ANAT Newsletter #33, May 1998.